The Field Operations Division is the most visible division within the Universtiy of Arizona Police Department providing patrol operations 24 hours a day. These services include providing the initial police response to 911 calls for service, and investigative follow-up.
Patrol officers work primarily on ABOR-controlled property, but maintain a concurrent patrol boundary and working agreement with the Tucson Police Department. UAPD officers regularly patrol the University commmunity between 8th Street, Lester Street, Euclid Avenue and Campbell Avenue. Additionally, several subunits make up the Field Operations Division. To learn more about the Field Operations' units or command staff, see below.
The Patrol unit functions with six sergeant-led teams that patrol the campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Besides performing basic law enforcement duties for the campus community, patrol officers are responsible for a wide variety of other functions, which include responding to medical emergencies, public assists, and the support of large public events. Officers also patrol on bicycle within the University community, easily riding over 25 miles per shift. Bicycle units answer calls for police services and monitor pedestrian and bicycle laws. Officers on bike patrol are readily accessible to the public and have easier access to the interior of campus.
Our investigations unit is self-sufficient and is comprised of a detective sergeant, four detectives and a crime analyst. Detectives provide a thorough analysis of reported crime and determine the necessary follow up for successful prosecution. Detectives have constant contact with adjoining police and victim-support agencies and the county attorney's office, sharing criminal information and trends. The investigations sergeant also oversees citizen's complaints lodged against officers and employees.
To support the police officers, community service officers provide physical security for the many buildings on campus. CSO responsibilities include the locking and unlocking of buildings for everyday university business, providing after-hours escorts, patrolling the campus community on foot, vehicle, or bicycle, and other key services. In the execution of these duties, CSOs report unusual and suspicious activity and other public hazards. CSOs may also assist police officers with crowd control, surveillance or traffic control at public events, and take police reports involving larceny, found/lost property, or other reports as assigned.
Another unique venture the UAPD offers for university students, is the Student CSO program. University students are employed by the police department, trained, and then deployed into field patrol on foot or bicycle. Student CSOs act as the eyes and ears for the police department, and assist police aides and officers by taking certain criminal reports such as bicycle thefts and other larcenies. In addition, they provide assistance to the university community by responding to requests for escorts, public assists, and non-criminal alarms. Student CSOs may also assist in other facets of the department such as Property & Evidence, Special Events, Dispatching, Administration and Investigations.