Special Event Staffing

Melissa Valenzuela is the University of Arizona Police Department's Special Events Coordinator. Her responsibilities include working with UAPD command staff, University departments, and the Campus Use Committee to assess security needs, billing, and staffing for campus events.

There are many campus events that require supplemental police and security support. These include sporting events, concerts, lectures, workshops, testing, parties, and other special events. The Special Events section is responsible for coordinating these events to staff them with police and security personnel. Pay for personnel working these events is based on their salary, compensation polices of the University of Arizona, and the UAPD. UAPD cannot guarantee the provisioning of police or security personnel for all special events.

It is recommended the special event request form be completed and submitted no later than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to an event.

If you require more information regarding scheduling of police or security services, please call 520-626-6728. UAPD cannot provide services outside of its normal jurisdiction. If you need security or police for a special event, please complete the online special events request form and submit it to the attention of the Special Events Coordinator, Melissa Valenzuela. Special Event forms may be submitted via email: mrv@arizona.edu, or turned in at UAPD: 1852 E. First St., Bldg #100, Monday - Friday, 8:00AM -5:00PM. Once the request is received you will be contacted for confirmation.

NOTE: You must save this document to your device before filling it out. Completing this form in your web browser will result in loss of work. We recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader to open and complete.

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