Exclusionary Orders

The University of Arizona Police Department (UAPD) now lists all individuals that have been excluded from The University of Arizona property. The University of Arizona adopted the exclusionary order policy on June 15, 2006 to temporarily restrict people who have committed crimes or engaged in disruptive actions from specific areas or the entire campus.

Illegal or disruptive behavior are actions by an individual that threaten or cause offenses against persons or property, disruption of University processes or programs, violation of a previous order given by a University official or falsification or misrepresentation of self or other information to a University office or official.

Exclusionary orders are issued for a minimum time of six months and may be extended up to a year. They can be requested by the university president, a dean, director, department head, or any other official designated as the person in charge of a specific area/building, facility, activity, or event. The order will be initiated by a UAPD officer upon request from any of the individuals listed above, or upon witnessing illegal or disruptive behavior, or to maintain campus security.

The purpose of posting the names and photos of the individuals is to aid the UA community in knowing who is currently excluded, and from what areas of the UA campus. If a member of the community sees an individual with an active exclusionary order, please report it UAPD at 520-621-8273.

An individual who is issued an exclusionary order may request a review of the order within five days of service. The review will be conducted by the Vice President for Business Affairs and Human Resources, or designee. The review will occur within thirty (30) University business days following the initial request.

More information on the University of Arizona exclusionary order policy can be found on the University of Arizona policy site.

Excluded Individuals

The below individuals have been issued an exclusionary order which prohibits them from being present on all land and buildings owned or under the control of the University of Arizona or a specific location/s indicated. If you see one of these individuals at the specified location, please call 9-1-1 immediately to report their presence.

Picture of Juan Montoya


Juan Montoya

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Aug. 23, 2025
Picture of Deanna Vining


Deanna Vining

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Aug. 23, 2025
Picture of Kelly Kennard


Kelly Kennard

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Aug. 24, 2025
Picture of Daniel Villa


Daniel Villa

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Aug. 25, 2025
Picture of Eduardo Garcia


Eduardo Garcia

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Aug. 25, 2025
Ricardo Villelas


Ricardo Villelas

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Aug. 25, 2025
Picture of Danny Vazquez


Danny Vazquez

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Aug. 25, 2025
Picture of Breana Maxwell


Breana Maxwell

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Aug. 25, 2025
Picture of Jairo Caudillo


Jairo Caudillo

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Aug. 25, 2025
Picture of Daymian Quintero


Daymian Quintero

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Aug. 25, 2025
Picture of Vincent Candeelaria


Vincent Candelaria

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Aug. 25, 2025
Picture of Brad Wilkinson


Brad Wilkinson

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Aug. 26, 2025
Picture of Izaiah Allen


Izaiah Allen

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Aug. 29, 2025
Vincent Stengel


Vincent Stengel

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Aug. 31, 2025
Zachary Zurilgen


Zachary Zurilgen

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Sept. 3, 2025
Shelley Williams


Shelley Williams

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Sept. 3, 2025
Picture of Serrano Valenzuela


Serrano Valenzuela

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Sept. 4, 2025
Erik Krohl


Erik Krohl

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Sept. 4, 2025
Richard Brown


Richard Brown

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Sept. 5, 2025
Jonathan Leon


Jonathan Leon

Excluded from:

All UA Property

Exclusion through:

Sept. 6, 2025