2021 CALEA Assessment & Public Hearing

Oct. 4, 2021

2021 CALEA Assessment & Public Hearing

TUCSON, Arizona – The University of Arizona Police Department is pursuing its ninth reaccreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA), an internationally recognized nonprofit organization dedicated to improving law enforcement and public safety services.

Between October 12, 2021 and October 14, 2021, assessors from the CALEA will be conducting a virtual assessment of the University of Arizona Police Department. The assessment team will examine all aspects of the University of Arizona Police Department policies and procedures, management, operations, and support services.

As part of the virtual assessment, agency employees and members of the community are invited to offer comments at a public hearing, Tuesday, October 12, 2021 beginning at 5:00 p.m Mountain Standard Time. The hearing will be virtual and conducted via a Zoom meeting. Please use the registration link below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Zoom link to meeting

Individuals wishing to provide comment but who cannot attend the public hearing may do so by telephone on Tuesday, October 12, 2021. Persons may call 520-626-9466 between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m Mountain Standard Time. During this time a member of the assessment team will be available to receive your comments.

Telephone comments, as well as addressing the assessment team during the public hearing, are limited to five (5) minutes and should address the agency’s ability to comply with CALEA standards. Questions may be directed to the department accreditation manager, Lieutenant Mario Leon's email.

Persons wishing to offer written comments regarding UAPD’s ability to meet CALEA standards for reaccreditation are requested to write to:

Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement, Inc. (CALEA)
13575 Heathcote Boulevard, Suite #320
Gainesville, Virginia 20155

The University of Arizona Police Department must comply with 484 standards in order to be re-accredited. Accreditation is for a period of four (4) years.

For more information regarding CALEA please write to the address above, visit their website or call (703) 352-4225.


Contact: Officer Jesus Aguilar #1803
Public Information Officer