Safety Tips

We cannot list specific measures that will protect you from every threatening situation that may arise. Instead, we hope to teach you how to think “crime prevention” in day-to-day living. The suggestions presented should not be thought of as a list of crime prevention measures, but as examples of common-sense behavior that will help you to make life safer and more secure.


Protect Yourself

  • LOCK THE DOOR to your apartment or dorm when you are alone, asleep, or out of the room.
  • DO NOT OPEN your door to strangers. If your door has a peephole, use it to identify visitors before allowing access. Report any problems with your door’s security devices immediately to your community director or apartment manager.
  • DO NOT GIVE YOUR NAME, address, phone number or other personal information to strangers. If you have your name published in the local telephone directory, use only initials and do not list your address.
  • WHEN GOING OUT, let your roommate, a friend, or a staff member know where you are going, with whom, and when you expect to return. If you choose to stay out later, call that person and let them know.
  • AT NIGHT, travel with others in well lighted areas. Avoid taking shortcuts through dark or deserted areas.
  • UTILIZE SERVICES WHICH PROVIDE ADDED SAFETY. There are safe, free and easy ways to travel between UA buildings and parking lots during the evening hours. The ASUA Safe Ride can be reached at 520-621-SAFE (7233). Parking & Transportation Services Night Cat number is 520-626-PARK (7275).
  • WALK FACING TRAFFIC whenever possible. This increases awareness of potential traffic hazards and also reduces the possibility of being followed by someone in a vehicle. Avoid walking by the curb or near buildings or shrubbery. Walk in the middle of the sidewalk with confidence.
  • IF YOU FEEL THREATENED or suspect that you are being followed, call 9-1-1, walk toward lighted areas where there are people. Look over your shoulder frequently - this lets the follower know that you are aware of both his/her presence and your surroundings.
  • EMERGENCY BLUE LIGHT PHONES give you direct access to UAPD. Use these telephones to contact the police department for emergency assistance. A police officer will respond to all blue light phone calls whether the caller was able to say anything or not.

Protect Your Possessions at Home

  • LOCK YOUR DOOR when you are away from your room, apartment, or house. Most thefts and burglaries of students’ rooms occur when the doors remain unlocked. Remember that it takes less than 30 seconds to get “ripped off.”
  • KEEP WINDOWS CLOSED AND LOCKED when away from your room or your apartment. This protects your belongings from both theft and Tucson’s inclement weather.
  • KEEP A RECORD OF THE SERIAL NUMBERS of all your belongings. Items of value that do not have a serial number should be engraved with your driver’s license number and photographed.
  • DO NOT ADVERTISE YOUR VALUABLES. Keep them out of sight. Arrange your room so that high-risk items such as stereos, televisions, and cameras are not visible from the hallway when the door is open, or from ground level windows.
  • ITEMS OF HIGH MONETARY VALUE that have minimal use in a university environment (such as expensive jewelry, personal or family mementos, or collections of any kind) should be left at home. Very expensive items should be stored in a safe deposit box at your bank.
  • DO NOT KEEP LARGE SUMS OF CASH in your room or apartment. A debit card or checking account are safer than cash. Remember to keep your checks in a secure place. Do not talk indiscriminately about receiving money. There is no need to advertise to potential thieves.
  • INSURANCE in dorms covers the institution’s property only. Residents are encouraged to provide their own insurance against loss of, or damage to personal possessions. If your family has homeowner’s insurance, check with your family agent about coverage. There are a variety of renter’s policies available from insurance carriers for apartment dwellers.

Rules for Safety and Security in Dorms

Specific student housing rules and procedures have been developed and implemented by UA Housing & Residential Life to make your building a safe and secure home. The following are examples of some important rules designed to enhance the safety and security of residents:

  • DURING SECURITY HOURS, always leave and enter through the main entrance.
  • NEVER LET GUESTS into the building through any door other than the main entrance.
  • NEVER ADMIT uninvited non-residents into the building. Do not let strangers into the building as your guests.
  • GUESTS must be checked in through the proper procedures. This is for the guests’ protection as well as the protection of the other dorm residents.
  • REPORT any unescorted person or stranger at once. You do not need to contact a staff member prior to calling the police in such a case.
  • DO NOT LEND the keys to your room or your student identification card to anyone.
  • UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you prop open any exterior door. Although it may seem harmless and convenient, you are endangering both yourself and everyone else. The exterior doors are locked for your safety. Interior fire doors should not be propped open as well. Doing so eliminates their effectiveness in preventing the spread of fire or smoke.
  • NO MOTORCYCLES, FIREARMS, FIREWORKS OR PETS ARE ALLOWED IN DORMS. For further information contact UA Housing & Residential Life at 520-621-6501.
  • NEVER GO ONTO THE LEDGES outside your window. It’s a long but very quick trip to the ground. Seemingly harmless activities can lead to unforeseen injury or damage.

In Your Car

  • LOCK YOUR CAR and take the keys with you. Many car burglaries and thefts occur because the owner did not take time to secure the car. Utilizing a steering wheel lock and VIN etching are encouraged. Don’t make your car a target of opportunity.
  • WHEN RIDING IN A CAR, keep the doors locked. Park in the most lighted area you can find. Upon returning to your car, have your keys ready as you approach your vehicle. Check the back and front seats to make sure that the car is empty before you get in.
  • DO NOT PARK in isolated, dark places if these areas can be avoided. Park where there are people around and where the car will be lighted.
  • DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLE items unattended in your car. If you must leave them in your car, place items such as cameras, packages and textbooks in the locked trunk.
  • DO NOT PICK UP HITCHHIKERS and do not hitchhike.

In Public Areas

  • NEVER LEAVE YOUR BICYCLE OR MOPED UNLOCKED AND UNATTENDED. UAPD recommends that bicycles and mopeds be secured with an oversized “U” shaped bicycle lock. The University of Arizona Police Department and Parking and Transportation Services sell “U” locks at cost Monday–Friday during business hours to assist bicyclists in securing their bicycle.
  • ENGRAVE YOUR BICYCLE OR MOPED with your name or driver’s license number and keep a record of it with a description of the bike and serial number. Students are also highly encouraged to register their bicycles with PTS; registration is a way to aid in the recovery of a stolen bicycle.
  • DO NOT LEAVE PERSONAL PROPERTY UNATTENDED in public areas, such as the Library, Student Union, and classrooms.
  • DO NOT CARRY MORE CASH than you need. Avoid “flashing” your cash in public.
  • DO NOT CARRY BOTH YOUR IDENTIFICATION CARDS AND CHECKS IN YOUR WALLET Keep them separate: I.D.s in your wallet in one pocket and your checkbook in another pocket. Do not write your PIN number down.
  • CARRY YOUR PURSE OR BACKPACK close to your body, and keep a tight grip on it.
  • MARK ITEMS you normally take to class, such as textbooks, backpacks, and calculators, with either your name or driver’s license number.
  • KEEP A LIST of your credit cards, identification cards, and checking account numbers. If they are stolen or lost, you will have a list of numbers to provide to the police. Remember that you must not only contact the police, but all of the credit card companies and banks with which you do business. Make these notifications immediately.